
Bonner Primary School

Address: Stainsbury Street, London, E2 0NF

Local authority: Tower Hamlets

Headteacher/Principal: Mr M Tune

Age range: 5 to 11

Phase of education: Primary

School type: Community School

Gender of entry: Mixed


Ofsted rating: 1 (Outstanding)

Ofsted report: Click here


What they say about themselves:

At Bonner, we are proud of our varied, enriched curriculum and the confidence and achievements of our pupils. We are also proud of our collaborative relationship with other schools and agencies. We value every child, parent and member of staff and the contribution each has to make.

Our aim and expectation is for the children who attend our school to leave us in Year 6 with the skills and positive thinking needed to achieve their ambitions and to lead happy, successful lives.


Old Ford Primary - A Paradigm Academy

Address: Wrights Road, London, E3 5LD

Local authority: Tower Hamlets

Headteacher/Principal: Mr Kevin Jones

Age range: 3 to 11

Phase of education: Primary

School type: Academy - Converter Mainstream

Academy sponsor: Paradigm Trust
Gender of entry: Mixed


Ofsted rating: 1 (Outstanding)

Ofsted report: Click here


What they say about themselves:

Old Ford is the largest primary school in Tower Hamlets with a maximum of 735 pupil on roll and over 100 staff.

Raising standards for the children in this school is the key to our success and what we hope to be able to do is affect the life chances for the children who come through the gates of this school each and every day.

We are clear about our vision, we are clear about where we are going, we are clear about how we are going to get there and we are very clear that we want our parents to work with us.


Morpeth School

Address: Portman Place, London, E2 0PX

Local authority: Tower Hamlets

Headteacher/Principal: Ms Jemima Reilly

Age range: 11 to 18

Phase of education: Secondary and 16 to 18

School type: Community School

Gender of entry: Mixed


Ofsted rating: 1 (Outstanding)

Ofsted report: Click here


What they say about themselves:

Morpeth is a co-educational school for pupils aged 11 to 18. We believe our success is built upon the professionalism and commitment of all our staff – teaching and support - and a shared set of values.

We are proud to reflect the population of Tower Hamlets, with a good mix of boys and girls from all ethnic groups in our borough. We see the positive relationships between all those groups, and between pupils and staff, as a strength of the school.


Sir John Cass Foundation and Redcoat Church of England Secondary School

Address: Stepney Way, London, E1 0RH

Local authority: Tower Hamlets

Headteacher/Principal: Mr Paul Woods

Age range: 11 to 18

Phase of education: Secondary and 16 to 18

School type: Voluntary Aided School

Gender of entry: Mixed


Ofsted rating: 1 (Outstanding)

Ofsted report: Click here


What they say about themselves:

At Sir John Cass Red Coat, we operate with high standards of behaviour, discipline and attainment. We believe that by providing an environment in which pupils feel cared for and valued, they will increase in confidence and gain independence.


We aim to produce confident, talented, independent learners and thinkers with the highest aspirations for achievement, who would serve the local community and be fully participative in the life of modern Britain.


Swanlea School

Address: 31 Brady Street, London, E1 5DJ

Local authority: Tower Hamlets

Headteacher/Principal: Ms Brenda Landers

Age range: 11 to 18

Phase of education: Secondary and 16 to 18

School type: Community School

Gender of entry: Mixed


Ofsted rating: 1 (Outstanding)

Ofsted report: Click here


What they say about themselves:

Swanlea School is a large, vibrant and thriving secondary school in the centre of London. With approximately 1000 students on roll and a further 210 at KS5, staff at Swanlea work alongside outstanding colleagues to achieve outstanding student outcomes in all key stages.

We continue to strive to deliver outstanding outcomes across all key stages and subject areas. We are committed to the continuous professional learning of all staff.